SSIS: How to read error messages from a console app and send them by email

SSIS: How to read error messages from a console app and send them by email

SSIS: How to read error messages from a console app and send them by email

Let’s say you have a SSIS package that runs a console app, everything works fine, but one day, the console app fails, and the SSIS package fails with a non helpful error message. You want to know what was the error, what data was involved and you want it be email

Works with

  • SSIS project in Visual Studio 2015
  • Simple console app in .NET 4.8


Console app

  1. Create a console app for C#
  2. Replace the code in Program.cs with this:
     class Program
         static int Main(string[] args)
                 string value = "a";
                 //Output to StdOutput variable
                 Console.WriteLine("Value to convert:" + value);
                 int i = int.Parse(value);
                 return 0; //In console apps, normally returning 0 indicates success
             catch (Exception ex)
                 //Output to StdError variable
                 return -1; //Returning any value different than 0 might indicate failure or some other condition
    In this program we’re doing the following
    • Writing data to the console
    • Deliberately throwing an error by trying to cast a letter to a number
    • Catching the exception, writing the error to the console and returning -1
  3. Build the project


  1. Create an SSIS package

  2. Add the following variables

    • ReturnCode (int32) - Returns the code number from the Main function in the console app, this number could be 0 for success or -1 for error;
    • StdError (String) - Stores anything printed out with Console.Error.WriteLine(…) in the console app
    • StdOutput - String - Stores anything printed out with Console.WriteLine(…) in the console app

  3. and add an Execute Process Task to the control Flow

  4. Right click the element and select Properties

  5. Configure properties like this:

    • Executable: Browse the consola app.exe, should be something like C:\...\ConsoleApplication1\bin\debug\ConsoleApplication1.exe
    • ExecValueVariable: ReturnCode variable
    • FailPackageOnFailure: False
    • FailParentOnFailure: False
    • StandardErrorVariable: StdError variable
    • StandardOutputVriable: StdOutput variable
    • WorkingDirectory: The folder of ConsoleApplication1.exe, should be something like C:\...\ConsoleApplication1\bin\debug\

    Changes are highlighted:

  • You can also directly use the task editor

  1. Add a Send Mail Task element
  2. Connect the Execute Process Task to the Send Mail Task
  3. Double click the green arrow
  4. In Constraint options, set Value = “Failure”
  5. Click OK
  6. Double click Send Mail Task and configure it like this:
    • SMTP Connection - click <New connection> and configure your SMTP manager
    • From - An email account to send emails
    • To - A destination account
    • Specify a subject
    • Message Source - Don’t write anything
  7. In the same window, click Expressions
  8. Add an expression for MessageSource
    "Return Code:" + (DT_WSTR, 4)@[User::ReturnCode] + "\r\n" + "Error:" + @[User::StdError] + "\r\n" + "Output:" +  @[User::StdOutput]
  9. Click OK
  10. Run the package
    • Execute Process Task should fail
    • Send Mail Task should succeed
  11. Check you email


Download source code


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