How to enable CORS between an Angular app and an ASP.Net Web API Service If you have an ASP Net WebAPI service running in one domain, and an angular app running in another domain, you’ll need to enable CORS in the web service, in this example, we’re also enabling Windows authentication Works for NET Framework 4.8 Microsoft ASPNET Web API Angular CLI 10.1 Node 10.15 Windows 10 Create a .NET WebAPI application with Windows Authentication Create a folder and name it Models Inside Models create Employee.cs and this code: public class Employee { public int Id { get ; set ; } public string Name { get ; set ; } public string Email { get ; set ; } } Create the Employees controller, right click the Controllers folder and click Add Controller In the Add Scaffold window, select Web API 2 Controller - Empty In Controller Name write EmployeesController In EmployeesController.cs include this code: [ RoutePrefix ...
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